Automated Asset Tracking

Know the location of your assets in real-time.

Trace the assets that are important to you: inventory, tools, tooling, forklifts and more.  Know in real-time when an asset moves from one location to another.

You even can know when an off-site asset moves from one location to another, and much more.

Discover some of the benefits of automated asset tracking

mejor control de stock

Better control of your inventory

View quantities of stock available in real-time. Optimize your inventory levels, and make more precise purchase orders.

ahorro tiempo y costes en imprevistos

Save time and money

Anticipate potential problems and manage the resolutions in real-time. Keep your team updated automatically and in real-time.


Easy and fast production incident management

Trace individual products and, if there is an issue, you easily can identify and focus only on the affected products.

Real-time responses to questions such as where is this piece of inventory? how many pieces do I have? does this delivery truck have the correct products?

Get the accurate location and count of your inventory stock, work tools, tooling as well as any other critical asset with one click.

Use historical data to optimize operations

Trace the path of assets from the time they enter your facility

until the time they leave to identify bottlenecks and other

opportunities to improve your operations

Dashboards and graphics to keep everything under control

Knowing real-time and historical locations of assets allows you to use customized graphics see your stock levels and locations at a glance.

Track assets throughout your supply chain


Integrate with your suppliers

We integrate with your suppliers’ systems to track materials from their source. Automatically validate that their shipments are correct and update your inventory.

Integrate with your customers

Pull and push data from your customers’ systems. Your customers can get order status updates, shipping notices and more automatically.